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The OVSD criteria for GATE includes the GATE assessment score (89%ile and above) and standard exceeded achievement levels on both Smarter Balanced Assessment English Language Arts and Mathematics. For students in second and third grades, only Age Percentile Rank on a norm referenced test is considered for qualification (89%ile and above). For Specific Ability qualification (grades 6-8), criteria includes GATE assessment score (89%ile and above) and standard exceeded achievement levels on either Smarter Balanced Assessment English Language Arts or Mathematics for two consecutive years.

This is a personal decision. Students may be re-tested by parent request.

If the student scored between the 89th and 95th percentile and did not qualify due to achievement levels on State Testing and the parent wants to retest to see if the student will score at the 96th percentile or higher for Intellectual Placement, they should consider that their child could score LOWER the next time. When considering a student for GATE identification, we use the most current assessment results.

All second grade students and any students who are new to Ocean View School District are given the opportunity to be tested each year. The test will only be administered with parent permission; written consent must be on file at the school in order for students to be assessed. 

Students may be re-tested by parent request. Please speak with your teacher and request re-testing during Fall parent conferences. GATE Testing occurs during January at students' home school. Testing times and exact dates are scheduled by the school site. Please contact your school office for information regarding testing dates and times.

Please refer to the responses to frequently asked questions. If you have more questions, please contact the school office (714)842-0626